Wednesday, January 31, 2007

F-18 Hornet

The third and last in this colour scheme

Sunday, January 21, 2007

F-15 MOAF (completed)

Finally it's done. The base is from my unfinished ATAT . And also unused fine-molds tie figher base under the ATAT base. Base was too light . So I just added clay to the bottom to weight it down. Base isn't very stable still. Damn. But will do lah.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

f-15 E WIP

Wolfy 1/5 resin WIP

Done with the skin shading . Thank God , it turned out decent , first try airbrushing skin.

Added green shading on the face to simulate stubbles and using a very stiff and hard round brush, I dry brushed black on the upper arms and on the chin to simulate hair. I should try dry brushing using other paints, the paints from xeno sucks for dry brushing.